“allow-hosts” in buildout considered harmful

Today we had the following error message when re-installing a project from scratch:

   Getting section application.
   Initializing section application.
   Installing recipe zc.zope3recipes.
   Getting distribution for 'zc.zope3recipes==0.13.0'.
 Error: Couldn't find a distribution for 'zc.zope3recipes==0.13.0'.

Yes this is a really old recipe but it still exists on PyPI. We are using zc.buildout in Version 2.10, and do not use a custom index. So being forced to use HTTPS to access PyPI does not seem be the problem.

After searching way too long we found that .buildout/default.cfg contains the following statement:

allow-hosts =

It restricts the allowed hosts for download but it seems to restrict the index, too. https://pypi.python.org/simple nowadays redirects to https://pypi.org/simple which is not on the list.

Suggestion: Remove allow-hosts if possible. It is more harmful than good, especially because packages are nowadays downloaded from https://files.pythonhosted.org.


I filed an issue for zc.buildout at GitHub: buildout/buildout#447