Sprint fruits: gocept.exttest and gocept.package

The whole company spent three days in Kloster Drübeck sprinting on internal tools and topics.

We overhauled our workflow for generating invoices and identified steps that we could automate.

We polished and released gocept.exttest, which integrates for example JavaScript unittest to Python’s unittest framework. In a nutshell, it allows you to write JS tests like this:

require 'my_app.js'

describe 'MyApp', ->
  it 'has read Douglas Adams', ->
  expect(new MyApp().calculate_the_answer()).toEqual(42)

and include them into your Python test suite with a single command:

import gocept.exttest
def test_suite():
    return gocept.exttest.makeSuite(
        pkg_resources.resource_filename('your.package', 'tests'))

The third area of our efforts was documentation, we designed a Sphinx skeleton to make it easy to get started writing docs, and created a template for eggs that contains the necessary boilerplate and codifies our packaging and documentation conventions. While the concrete details are probably a bit specific to our tastes, some of the general mechanincs might be interesting to others, so we’ll release gocept.package once we’ve got the missing integration tests sorted out.

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