A wrinkly part of buildout‘s design is that the PYTHONPATH is not easily available outside of scripts generated by buildout itself.
I’ve been using the following workaround in some of my development tools for a while and found it quite helpful, even though it’s hacky and rough around the edges:
#!/bin/bash if [ ! -e bin/wpy ]; then bin/buildout install wpy fi export PYTHONPATH=$(bin/wpy -c "import sys; print ':'.join([p for p in sys.path if not p.startswith('/usr')])") # do real work here
This needs a part that installs a python interpreter into the buildout; I’m using this in my ~/.buildout/default.cfg, since all projects I deal with have a [test] part:
[wpy] recipe = zc.recipe.egg eggs = ${test:eggs} interpreter = wpy
A variation on this theme is this script which generates a TAGS file without the need for a special recipe (like z3c.recipe.tag) just to get the PYTHONPATH:
#!/bin/bash if [ ! -e bin/wpy ]; then bin/buildout install wpy fi export IFS= PATHS=$(bin/wpy -c "import sys; print '\n'.join([p for p in sys.path if not p.startswith('/usr')])") echo $PATHS | ctags --python-kinds=-i -R -e -L -